Author: EveryIncome

Young person’s portfolio: Should income-focused investing be included?
You’re young. You’ve got time on your side. Conventional wisdom may say: Invest heavily in stocks. You’ve got many years ahead to ride out any downturns. Therefore, income-focused investing may only be a tiny part of your portfolio strategy. However, if you tend to be...
Tax planning for ordinary people: What you need to know
“Tax planning” is a phrase many people associate with large corporations, the rich and powerful, or super-humanly organized accountant types. Of course a business, with its complicated financial structure, needs to engage in tax planning, but ordinary people? Just get...
5 startling facts about debt, and 5 ways to break the cycle
Avoiding debt can be tough. These days, debt in America affects almost everyone. According to Northwestern Mutual’s 2018 study, only 23% of people are debt free. With an overwhelming majority of the country struggling to pay off student loans, credit cards, mortgages...