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EveryIncome, Author at EveryIncome Library - Page 17 of 49

Author: EveryIncome

Should you use retirement funds to get out of debt?

Should you use retirement funds to get out of debt?

You’re mired in debt and struggling to make payments. Meanwhile, you have a nice retirement savings plan (RSP) that is earning money. Now you’re asking yourself: Should I use those retirement funds to pay off this huge debt burden? To answer this question, follow...
Ready to get out of debt? Consider the “B” word

Ready to get out of debt? Consider the “B” word

Debt can be difficult to live with. It weighs us down. It causes anxiety, work and marriage problems. It creates stress that can lead to insomnia and other health problems. The bad news: There’s no quick fix or miracle trick to pay off debt all at once — short of...
The new grad’s guide to getting out of debt

The new grad’s guide to getting out of debt

Congratulations! You’ve just graduated from college. As you embark on your exciting journey into adulthood, you are likely weighed down by a mountain of debt. Student debt is the most obvious burden graduates face, but credit card debt and auto loans can also add to...
Mind over money: How to master your savings

Mind over money: How to master your savings

If most of your paycheck seems to vanish as you pay the weekly bills, the last thing you’re probably thinking about is saving money for the future. It’s easy to get in the mindset of telling yourself, “Someday, when I have a little money left over,...
How do IRAs work? A guide to IRA plans

How do IRAs work? A guide to IRA plans

Short for individual retirement account, an IRA allows you to save for retirement while taking advantage of tax benefits designed to encourage retirement savings. Banks, brokers and other financial institutions offer IRAs, allowing account owners the option of...