Author: EveryIncome

How to earn money delivering goods and groceries
We live in the age of the gig economy, where job security is limited, benefits are hard to come by, and your default mode is hustling. However, as daunting as it may sound, doing gig work does have its advantages, such as flexibility with your schedule. If you’re only...
How careful tax planning saves you money
Even just a little tax planning can help save you money when tax time comes. Among other things, tax planning can help you and your accountant or tax advisor evaluate your financial situation in light of the current tax laws. Below are some basic ideas and strategies...
Find the right voice for your LinkedIn profile
Voice is important in your LinkedIn profile. Your profile should sound professional yet conversational and accessible. That’s obvious. But what’s less clear to LinkedIn users is whether to use first person (I, me) or third person (first name, he, she). I’ve completed...