Author: EveryIncome

Using balance transfer credit cards to pay off debt

Using balance transfer credit cards to pay off debt

It’s that time again — your credit card statement has come in. Your heart sinks because you know you’re going to be stuck with getting these statements for a long, long time. You’ve racked up credit card debt. A lot of it. There is some good news, though. Refinancing...
10 LinkedIn tips to boost your job search

10 LinkedIn tips to boost your job search

These 10 tips will help you get more results from your LinkedIn profile as you search for your next job: Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up to date, listing highlights from current and past jobs.Check the option that lets recruiters know you’re open to new...
Land your next job with these 3 essential tasks

Land your next job with these 3 essential tasks

You won’t find your next job sitting behind your desk. Just ask any recent successful job hunter. The key to an efficient job search strategy is putting yourself out there. “It’s really working your network,” said Karin Davies, 52, of Charlotte, North Carolina, who...