
Choose the best credit card refinancing option
Here’s some good news if you’ve been struggling to pay off that mountain of credit card debt. Instead of worrying about staying on top of those ever-increasing monthly payments, you can refinance your credit card debt to help you pay it off faster and save thousands...
Using credit card refinancing loans to pay off debt
Remember the holidays? The expenses quickly piled up: presents for the kids, the new tree, holiday parties, and airfare to your parents’ house across the country. With your mountainous credit card debt, you barely made it through. You worry that if you don’t reconcile...
Using balance transfer credit cards to pay off debt
It’s that time again — your credit card statement has come in. Your heart sinks because you know you’re going to be stuck with getting these statements for a long, long time. You’ve racked up credit card debt. A lot of it. There is some good news, though. Refinancing...
Finding the right balance between saving and paying down debt
Saving money or paying off debt presents a tough choice. Most Americans have shockingly little in their savings accounts. According to CNBC, most of us “would be in a bind if [we] missed even one paycheck,” and only 40 percent of us would be able to cover a surprise...