1. Read everything you can about the company. News stories, annual reports, corporate website and social media accounts, including LinkedIn.

2. Read the interviewer’s LinkedIn profile.

3. Know that the interviewer will be doing their homework, too, so make sure your LinkedIn profile is current.

4. Create and practice a 30-60-second elevator speech that tells the interviewer who you are, what you’ve done, and what you’d bring to this role.

5. Write and practice answers to standard questions like, “Why are you interested in this role/company?”

6. Talk with people you know who work for the company or used to work there or know people who work there.

7. Prepare a list of questions you want to ask to make sure the company and role are a good fit for you.

8. Know that you don’t have to take every interview. Politely decline those that don’t feel right.

9. Remember to smile.

10. Send a thank you note or email following every job interview.

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