Author: EveryIncome

Get debt help from … your creditors? How they can help you pay down debt faster
Debt can be scary, overwhelming and isolating. When all you can afford is the minimum payment on a high-interest rate credit card, it’s too easy to believe that you will never get out of the red. Where can you turn for debt help? Here’s a debt elimination tip...
Don’t let impulse buys damage your financial health: Use the 30-day rule
Impulse buys happen to all of us. You’re in a store or on a shopping website, and you see something you really want to buy. It’s a new release of software you own, an expensive pair of shoes marked down to half price, or a miter saw that will work way better than the...
How to get out — and stay out — of debt
It might not be easy to get out of debt, but it is absolutely worth it. Start with these debt elimination tips. The increased flexibility and peace of mind you gain when you’re no longer saddled with debt can transform your life — including your mental health. By...